Professional Help

White Rock Country Baptist Church Free Home in Heaven- Golden streets. No pain, sorrow, sickness or dying. Offer ends soon Dinosaurs in the Bible Free Help from Heaven - emergency prayer and guidance from the Holy Bible Proof Jesus Is the Messiah and God Hablame Blog The Daily Gem Paul's soulwinning manual A Eulogy for Aborted Babies Contact Bookstore Catalog

Sometimes ones we love or (we)  need professional help.  Scroll this page for serious help.

Suicide Prevention

  • Suicide advice page
  • Wait! Don't tell Mom goodbye
  • More than eleven thousand people tried to commit suicide during the past twenty-four hours. According to a report from the United Nations, one thousand of these people succeeded in taking their lives. And a high percentage of these suicides were among young people. (Luis Palau)

 Recovery Programs

Discovery Training


Addiction Guide

Addiction Guide - Addiction Guide is your reliable source on addiction and the dangers of illicit substances. We cover how drugs and alcohol affect the body, how to identify the signs and symptoms of abuse, and where to seek effective treatment. Our mission is to guide you and your loved ones to a healthier life.



Domestic violence


  • First Stone Ministries. Very good Christian site which offers counseling on different sexual problems:
  • gay issues, pornography addiction, rape and sexual abuse trauma.
  • Sex addiction: Overcomers outreach | Sex addiction recovery resources |
    Christian mailing lists for Sex, Love & Porn addicts, also general addictions and for same sex attraction.
  • These are mainly for Christians struggling with these issues.



Pregnancy Crisis Counseling

Post Abortion Trauma

Alcohol and other addictions

  • Alcoholics Anonymous

  • Christian 12-step support for alcohol and chemical dependency are available in many churches. 
  • You are welcome to recommend other links.

Disabilities and illness

 Debt counseling


  • Recommend someone E-mail:







Pastors and Counselors Link Here Free

Professional counselors, pastors, and pastor's wives are needed to link to these categories above. If you want your site linked here, e-mail me today, and you will be listed after we check your site for compatibility.

Affirming forgiveness for the fallen in Christ Name-


Don Giddens, Greenville, Texas USA