Free Help from Heaven - emergency prayer and guidance from the Holy Bible
Emergency prayer and confidential help and guidance from the Holy Bible
Jesus said, Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Mt. 11.28
Did you search for "I need prayer, God help me", Jesus help me, I am desperate, I am dying, I am thinking of suicide, I need to be saved, we are soon to be homeless, we are headed for divorce, facing prison, lost our children, self-destructive habits?
- whatever your cry, only Jesus can help. Tell Him exactly what you need. Trust Him to answer.
You do not have to go it alone through your serious trials. Let us help share your burden through encouragement, the comfort, support, and direction of the Bible, and prayer. The best help we can give is to tell you how to be saved for sure. Be saved now
Friend me Donald Louis Giddens
Or write:
Don Giddens
1002 Branch Street
Greenville, TX 75401
(C) Donald Louis Giddens 2003. Soulwinning is the business of the church.
Immediate Help from the Bible about Big Problems
Don and Minnie Giddens, God loves you and so do we.
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Don Giddens has served as a Baptist pastor/missionary in the barrios of Santo Domingo, in Spanish churches in the US, in Black Sunday School classes, and as a Baptist catalytic missionary to the Four Corner's region of Utah/Arizona reaching Navajo, Ute, and Mormons.
Giddens graduated from Odessa (Texas) High School, Rio Grande Bible College Language School, Permian Basin Law Enforcement Academy, attended Baptist Bible College, the University of Texas, and earned a B. A. from Garland Bible College.
You may find My Books on Amazon to disciple new Christians around the world who have accepted Christ on this site.
Baptist e-vangelists
POLL- where do you live? The flesh never wins; the Spirit never loses
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