Paul's Soulwinning Manual
[2][2] Jesus certainly witnessed to anyone who came without ten feet of Him. But, He went out of His way to meet sinners. Was that not His only business and our’s?
1. 1. [3][3] . I would have to say that his was the most JOYFUL experience of salvation I have ever seen.
[4][4] Some say they do not like to use the Gospel as a fire-escape from Hell, but Jesus certainly did in John 3:16. For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son so that whosoevr believeth in Him SHOULD NOT PERISH! Jesus is the ONLY fire-escape from Hell.
2. 2. [5][5] I was so blessed when I was in Utah to have a Director of Missions ( John Robert McClung) who believed in soulwinning, and persevered in my behalf to keep me on the field.
[6][6] Longview Baptist Temple, Longview, Texas, Dr. Bob Gray, Pastor.
[7][7] Ewing even made it to Annual Meetings when he had to travel for a month to get there. By the way, he had sixteen children. Was that why he was gone all the time? Or did he just love souls more?