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History of Don Giddens' Ministries

While we were in Utah as a Baptist preacher/Missionary, I received a letter from my son, Nathan, now in Heaven, addressed to Don Giddens' Worldwide Ministries. Perhaps we are not quite "worldwide" yet, but I have been a pioneer Baptist  missionary in the Dominican Republic, a pastor of two Baptist Spanish churches in Texas, a Baptist pastor/missionary to the Navajo and Ute people, and have been a part of a Spanish Bible College in Texas. I have also preached in Mexico, and St. Martin.

At present, I'm a board member of the Idaho Baptist College, in Boise, Idaho, and am available to preach  revivals and/or  present the work of the college.

We hope to be your servants in Christ,

Don Giddens  



Contact Brother Giddens here


P. S. Minnie is our WOMEN'S COUNSELOR. All ladies should direct their requests to her

Ladies, contact Sister Minnie

Pass it on! Help tell people around the world about the free gift from Heaven- Eternal Life!

Don Giddens

1002 Branch Street

Greenville, TX USA


Thanks for visiting soulwinners.biz. Come back soon.


The day I was saved....

My testimony:

1. The day I was saved..................

It was a day in March, 1950, Denver City Texas, nine year old boys' class taught by Margaret Trott, the pastor's daughter.
Most of the other kids in our Sunday School class had been saved. I think I was the only "hold out". Although I was nine already, I had never been saved. I had known I was a worthless sinner since the age of younger than five, maybe even THREE when I stole a piece of gum. No one caught me, but I was stricken with a sense of guilt. At RA camp I held back, but that morning when the teacher asked if there were anyone in the class who wanted to be saved, I raised my hand. She told me how to be saved, and to go forward when Pastor L. L. Trott gave the invitation.  After Jesus saved me in the Sunday School, I went forward and confessed Christ as my personal Saviour. Though I often doubt my own faithfulness, and worthiness, I always go back to the day where at met Christ, where I went to the feet of Jesus, and claimed Him as my Saviour.
I was called to be a missionary under the ministry of the great missionary preacher, Jack Garner of Dallas, Texas!
Don Giddens, Greenville, TX


Donald Louis Giddens graduated from Odessa High School in 1959 where he was a member of the Texas All-State Band two years. Giddens attended UT- Austin where he was a member of the Texas Longhorn Band. He also attended UTEP and Baptist Bible College in Springfield, MO. In 1966, he earned his B. A. in Bible from Garland Bible College where he was Student President, Chorister President, and Missions President. While attending Garland College, Giddens served as Youth Director, and Interim Music Director for Miller Road Baptist Church. He also graduated from Rio Grande Bible Institute and Permian Basin Law Enforcement Academy in Midland, Texas.
